Large Flowered
Evening Primrose

Scientific Name: Oenothera
Common Name: Large Flowered Evening Primrose
Other Common Names:
Large-flower Evening-primrose,
Largeflower Eveningprimrose, Midwest Evening Primrose, Red-sepal
Evening-primrose, Redsepal Evening primrose
Plant Type: Biennial
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 4-8
Germination: Easy
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 50-100
Uses: Medicinal
Notes: Young root can be eaten like a vegetable.
lamarckiana Oil in seeds contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a precursor of prostaglandin E1. The latter is very active biologically regulating such functions as the vessel and immune systems. By supplementing the diet with GLA, one can bypass a blockage of prostaglandin E1 production caused by aging, poor diet, or alcoholism. Chronic complaints such as PMS disappear. Roots can be eaten as a vegetable; shoots as a salad. - EP10 Has high GLA content. Seeds are less prone to shatter before harvest. Biennial
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Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.