
Scientific Name: Atriplex hortensis
Common Name: Orach
Other Common Names:
Armuella De Huerta, Armuelle,
Arrach, Arroche Cultive, Arva Armoles, French Spinach, Garden Arrach, Garden
Orach, Garden Orache, Mountain Spinach, Orach, Orache, Qataf Abyadh, Ruby Orach
Mountain Spina, Tuinmelde
Plant Type: Annual
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 6-11
Germination: Easy
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 50
Uses: Culinary
Notes: Good cooked and in salads.
ATRIPLEX HORTENSIS. An old world vegetable green. Very popular in France. Tender young shoots can be boiled or buttered, creamed, added to quiches, rolled into crepes, or tossed in cold salads. Just like Spinach but milder.
Price: $2.25/pkt
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Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.