Violet, Sweet
Available Only In Fall
Keep in mind it needs 2 weeks of 75 degrees. Then 3 months cold (0-32 F)
required. Then sow and germinate at 40-50 degree temps in early
Order and Sow In Late Summer.

Scientific Name: Viola odorata
Common Name: Sweet Violet
Other Common Names:
Banaf Shah, Banafsaj, Banafshah,
English Violet, Garden Violet, Kokulu Menekse, Maarts Viooltje, Nioi-Sumire,
Purple Violet, Sweet Blue Violet, Sweet Violet, Violet, Violeta, Violette,
Violette Des Jardins
Plant Type: Perennial
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 6-9
Germination: Medium
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 25
Uses: Culinary
Notes: Native to Europe and Asia. Fresh flowering plants can be used to make good cough syrups. Edible flowers.
VIOLA ODORATA Old garden favorite. Sweet-scented, deep violet flowers are candied as decoration for puddings, cakes and ice cream. Important source of perfume.
Price: $2.75/pkt
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Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.