Leaf Celery

Scientific Name: Apium graveolens
var. secalinum
Common Name: Celery Leaf
Other Common Names: Celery Leaf, Leaf Celery, Chinese Celery, French
Celery, AMsterdam Celery
Plant Type: Biennial
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): Annual
Germination: Easy
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 50
Uses: Culinary
Germination & Growing Tips:
Plant 1/8” deep in early spring. Leave 4-5” between plants. Do not let the
soil dry out between watering. Great plant to grow in a pot.
Notes: Used leaves instead of stalks in soups, stews, salads, and as a garnish.
Something different from Europe. Curly, aromatic leaves are used to season soups and stews, or as a refreshing garnish. No blanching required.
The leaves are best eaten while tender. It has thin, rounded stalks
that grow up to a foot high.
Order Celery Leaf seeds on Amazon
*These seeds are being sold on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.